Year 5
Welcome to the Year 5 homepage. There are two classes, 5W taught by Mrs Williams and 5F taught by Mr Flood. Our Teaching Assistants are Ms Knight and Ms Sturdy.
Both classes have swimming on Wednesday.
5F - P.E. on Tuesday.
5W - P.E. on Tuesday.
Reading Books
Please ensure that your child brings their reading record book to school everyday.
Please ensure all coats, jumpers and cardigans are clearly labelled with your child's name.
What's Happening this half term?
Spring 1
Clicking on the link below will give you a full overview of what our children are studying this half term. There are also some research questions and things you can do to help your child at home.
Our class novel this term:

Year 5 Reading Challenge
How many books can you read from the Year 5 reading list?