Online Safety
Internet Matters - Parental Controls & Privacy Settings
Click here to help set your child up for safe online experiences with parental controls and privacy settings on the networks, devices, apps and sites they use.
The introduction of the Computing curriculum aims to equip pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills to use information and communication technology creatively and purposefully. A key aspect of this lies in being “digitally literate”. Online technologies play a huge role and so providing a broad and balanced e-safety education at each key stage is vital to ensuring that pupils can navigate the online world safely and positively.
“Digital Literacy” - a definition:
1. The ability to find, evaluate, use, share, and create content using computers and the Internet.
2. The ability to understand and use information in different formats (articles, journals, videos, etc) from different sources (web search, news website, someone’s blog, etc) when presented on a computer.
The concept of literacy is more than just being able to read - it’s about reading with meaning. You can’t understand information found on the Internet without evaluating its sources and placing it in context.
Being internet safe outside school
At school the children’s use of the Internet is controlled, filtered and closely monitored. The information and web sites below can help you as parents understand e-safety and, if necessary, use tools to keep your child(ren) safe online.
Information and advice for supporting young people online can be found by clicking the link below.
Useful links

Safeguarding Resource Hub - A free hub of national safeguarding resources
CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)
Parent guides from Connect Safely

Online resources providing guidance for children, parents and teachers.

Support for young people up to the age of 18.

Resources to help children stay safe online.

Guidance and resources about online safety for children, families and professionals.

Animation for 8-10 year olds helping them learn how to spot pressuring and manipulative behaviour online.

CBBC stay safe website for children aged 9-12.

Activities around cyber-bullying, its causes and consequences.